LoL, LCS: League of Legends Championship Series
LCS Spring Split 2020 : Championship return this weekend?

While the LCS have been on a break since March 13, the North American championship could resume this weekend with a 100% online format.

LCS Spring Split 2020 : Championship return this weekend?

The online championships get rolling. After the LPL and potentially the LCK at the end of March, the LCS could be back much earlier than expected, next weekend to be more precise.

"Riot Games LCS officials and esports team owners are working together towards a plan that brings back LCS by as early as next weekend with games played online from LCS team facilities, sources tell me [...] one concern amongst Riot officials and LCS owners is the current viability of safely sending referees in-person to LCS team houses for games, which LPL has been running similarly these last few weeks, and how this impacts competitive integrity"

Nevertheless, President Trump's recent statements could endanger this future organization. Indeed, this information was revealed before Trump's message advising against gatherings of more than 10 people. It now remains to be seen whether this recommended measure will be endorsed by the government, and therefore would cancel out any possibility of the LCS returning before the end of the health crisis.

