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Call of Duty: Warzone: Infinity Ward gives update on anti-cheat measures

Call of Duty: Warzone: Infinity Ward gives update on anti-cheat measures

Warzone developer Infinity Ward has revealed further details regarding its new anti-cheat measures for Warzone.

Call of Duty: Warzone: Infinity Ward gives update on anti-cheat measures

After revealing new ways to tackle the issue of cheaters on Warzone, Infinity Ward has revealed more details as to how players are able to report players they suspect of using cheats in a game.

Posting on Twitter, the developer announced that Killcam and Spectate reporting will be going live this week in Warzone and Modern Warfare, offering players further ways to report cheaters within the game.

After several players wanted increased measures after several cases of cheating were being posted across social media.

Now Infinity Ward is beginning to deal with the issue of cheaters in Warzone, the developer might be able to switch focus on nerfing the Snakeshot Magnums!

Jonno Nicholson

Head of Call of Duty & FIFA portals at Millenium US. Call of Duty esports extraordinaire.