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LoL, LCS Summer Split 2020: Jatt becomes the new Head Coach of Team Liquid

LoL, LCS: League of Legends Championship Series
LoL, LCS Summer Split 2020: Jatt becomes the new Head Coach of Team Liquid

Best known for his career as a commentator, Joshua "Jatt" Leesman joined the ranks of Team Liquid for the Summer Split as head coach.

LoL, LCS Summer Split 2020: Jatt becomes the new Head Coach of Team Liquid

Team Liquid continues its restructuring for the League of Legends Championship Series Summer Split. After the departure of Yiliang "Doublelift" Peng for Team SoloMid, replaced by the Academy player Edward "Tactical" Ra, the organization has just revealed its head coach for the rest of the season.

The place goes to Joshua "Jatt" Leesman, former analyst and caster for Riot Games. He replaces Jang "Cain" Nu-ri who will occupy the position of strategic coach.

"I think one thing watching the SQUAD episode [Editor's note: Program produced by Team Liquid] at the end of the spring split. It was clear that all the players in Team Liquid felt like they lacked an identity. I'm not going to be the type of coach who comes in and says: "This is our identity, this is how we're going to play." I'm hoping that I'm able to gather all the information from the players and the coaches — and then help align everyone towards the same goal. That's how we'll find an identity that everyone is able to bye into. " said Jatt.

He will have the heavy task of raising the bar for the team which experienced a catastrophic split by finishing at the penultimate place in the ranking with only 7 wins for 11 losses. A real snub for a structure that had reigned supreme over the North American championship for more than two years.

Original content by "Cthulhu".

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo