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LoL: Riot to implement report tool in champion select

LoL: Riot to implement report tool in champion select

Game Director Andrei "Meddler" van Roon answered the concerns of the League of Legends community regarding toxicity in a "Quick Gameplay Thoughts" and teased the arrival of new tools to combat this behavior, including a feature allowing to report players during the champion select.

LoL: Riot to implement report tool in champion select

Following Voyboy's video statement on Twitter, Riot Games wasn't long to address the recent complaints about toxicity within the League of Legends community.

With the current system, many behaviors can't be analyzed nor detected, especially when they happen in champion select. As Voyboy said it himself, if you're not flagged because of something you said in the chat, you won't get any trouble.

However, while it remains hard to detect some behaviors, Andrei "Meddler" van Roon teased the arrival of a new system, allowing you to report a player right before the game starts, in champion select.

This new feature specifically aims at identifying and punish one precise behavior: players who intentionally sabotage a game, whereas it's by flaming, inting, trolling — or even stopping to play while remaining undetected by the AFK system because they move their champion in the fountain.

Riot Games are beginning a war against toxicity, and saboteurs are their first target.

League of Legends

While tests are currently being held on NA servers, Riot Games gave no details about the global release of this new reporting tool.

Some streamers are even known for their toxicity ...

This new system nevertheless raises an ethical question. What about people who just had a bad game and are reported as toxic?

Is the wrongful banishment of an innocent player a necessary sacrifice to punish the trolls pacing the Summoner's Rift?

Voyboy warns Riot Games about toxicity in soloqueue

Toxicity is a plague that any League of Legends player knows about. Whether they are inting, flaming, or trolling, some players can transform your experience into a real nightmare. This issue isn't new, but for Voyboy, it's time to sound the alarm.

Original content by Antagoniste.

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo

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