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April was the best month in League of Legends history

April was the best month in League of Legends history

League of Legends achieved record figures during the month of April in both players and revenues...

April was the best month in League of Legends history

Some might think that after more than 10 years of life League of Legends went through a continuous decline until its disappearance, but nothing is further from reality. According to the latest report by the video game consulting firm SuperData (owned by the giant Nielsen), Riot Games has reasons to be in luck with the LoL.

Despite the fact that Valorant is going to be definitively released on June 2, the MOBA is far from boring for players. Although Riot is not too friendly to give data on the number of players, the SuperData report gives a very positive point for League of Legends.

According to these stats, League of Legends has been the PC game with the most revenues worldwide. This is not necessarily news since Riot usually takes the top positions with LoL. However, SuperData has something more important.

League of Legends fundraising has been the best since February 2017. In this same sense, according to SuperData, the number of players has grown to break the previous historical maximum of the video game.

The COVID-19 context has greatly benefited this data from happening, but it is striking that after more than a decade, League of Legends continues to be the world's largest PC game.


Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo