LoL, LCS: League of Legends Championship Series
LoL, LCS: Dignitas part with Olleh

The support player, who played alongside Doublelift at Team Liquid before joining Dignitas Academy, is considering retirement.

LoL, LCS: Dignitas part with Olleh

Photo courtesy of Riot Games.

With Team Liquid, Kim "Olleh" Jon-sung won two League of Legends Championship Series titles in 2018, while asserting complete domination over the botlane during the 2018 Summer Split.

His journey into the League esports scene led him to play for Golden Guardians, then for their Academy roster — and he joined the Academy team of Dignitas in last January. However, the organization just announced his departure.

The Korean player is currently a free-agent, and is looking for a team for the Summer Split. If he doesn't manage to find one, Olleh stated that he would retire.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo