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Valorant: Elderflame skins creation process

Valorant: Elderflame skins creation process

In an interview, the developers of Valorant explained the process of creating the latest series of Elderflame skins that were unveiled a few days ago.

At the very beginning of the week, Riot Games announced the release of a brand new line of Ultimate Edition skins in Valorant: Elderflame.

Cosmetics aren't something new to the world of shooters and FPS, and animals were already used as weapons in older games, but we must admit we weren't expecting the Dragons from League of Legends to join Valorant as... weapons.

"Silhouettes are really important,” Artistic Director Sean Marino said to Polygon. “This one definitely pushes the boundaries of it. But we tried creative things like with the Frenzy and we’re like, ‘How can we fit a dragon into this situation?’ And we found a cool opportunity to take its tail and wrap it around the bottom of the magazine to put it into the correct shape. That way, if someone sees it on the ground, they immediately know what it is, and if you see it in first person you know what it is.”


According to Marino, the Operator was the hardest weapon to adapt to the theme.

“We were on the verge of cutting it, because it’s the only dragon that has wings,” Marino said. “It was like, if you open up these wings, now it takes up all of your screen space, and that compromises competitive integrity.”

The Elderflame pack will be available from July 11 and you will have to pay a little more than $89 to get the five different weapon skins.

Riot Games makes available its API

Riot Games makes available its API for Valorant but under conditions. You can already submit your projects on their website.

Original content by "AttilaLeHun".

Thomas Sauzin
Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends 🇫🇷 — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo