Riot Games knows how to use its imagination to find the best talents and recruit them. For hackers and cheaters who want to bypass Valorant's security system, and if they're talented enough, they can find a job offer hidden in the files.
The hacker community likes to stick their noses in the programs of their favorite games. Sometimes for malicious purposes (cheating), they can also detect vulnerabilities to pass them on to developers and protect the integrity of the game.
In Valorant, in the Stubs.all file — part of the anti-hacking system — you can find a job offer. Since it isn't easy to get there, Riot Games believes that those who are able to do so could represent interesting profiles to integrate into their teams.
- The hidden message is: "Protected by packman, a Riot Games product. Developed with <3 by the Anti-Cheat team. We’re always hiring talented individuals. If you’ve found this message, we implore you to take a look at our jobs page and see if anything catches your interest:"
A small initiative that shows that Riot Games likes to keep its playful spirit.