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All about the Valorant Act 2 Battle Pass: skins, rewards and more

All about the Valorant Act 2 Battle Pass: skins, rewards and more

On August 4, Act 2 will kick off in Valorant. Along with a new agent, the new FFA Deathmatch mode, and a redesign of the rank system, the Battle Pass should be soon made available.

The first Battle Pass of Valorant, linked to Act 1, is getting closer to its end and a brand new Pass has already been announced for Act 2. Filled with goodies to unlock, this Battle Pass is already available!

The battle pass is a system that allows you to collect weapon skins, tags, and emblems exclusive to this act. Part of the pass is free, but to get it all, it is necessary to pay about ten euros.

The Act 2 Battle Pass notably includes the following weapon skins:


What do you think of these rewards? Do you feel they're worth their price? Feel free to drop your opinion in the comment section below!

Original content by "AttilaLeHun".

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

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