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Valorant's next agent is postponed for several weeks

Valorant's next agent is postponed for several weeks

It will take a little longer than expected to get to know the new Valorant agent that will be introduced with Act 3. Her release has just been postponed for at least two weeks.

Valorant's next agent is postponed for several weeks

While Riot Games was still teasing its new Valorant agent, it now appears that she won' be available at the release of Act 3.

We already know her face and we should know her name and her abilities very soon, but she won't arrive on October 13 with Icebox — the new map of the game.

We'll have to wait for the next patch which will arrive two weeks later. Valorant's 14th agent will make her debut on October 27.

Original content by Augustin "Review" Heliot.

Clémence LEMOAL
Clémence "Idril" Lemoal

La Anton Ego du jeu vidéo.