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CoD Warzone: SAW cosmetic bundle leaked

CoD Warzone: SAW cosmetic bundle leaked

Halloween is coming to Verdansk! Infinity Ward is preparing to launch the "Haunting of Verdansk" event, in which we will have night modes, zombies and many horror cosmetics. With Warzone patch 1.28, the Saw skin and a new weapon that he will bring under his arm has been leaked.

CoD Warzone: SAW cosmetic bundle leaked

The Haunting of Verdansk event is closer than ever. The horror event for Warzone will begin on October 20th. 

With patch 1.28 of Modern Warfare and Warzone, some dataminers have put the gauntlet on the game files and have released the skin and part of the pack of SAW , the 2004 horror film signed by James Wan that has given rise to one of the most popular contemporary horror film franchises the genre has spawned in recent years.

The skin is a replica of the Jigsaw doll, complete with clothing and the face as a mask, enabling players to customize their Operators accordingly.

Saw skin. Extracted from BKTOOR_'s Twitter - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Saw skin. Extracted from BKTOOR_'s Twitter
New lethal. Extracted from PrestigeIsKey. - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
New lethal. Extracted from PrestigeIsKey.

In addition, as you may well have seen, a new lethal will also be added that, apparently, is linked to the Saw pack. It is simply a throwing knife but with the addition of a saw to make it more like the Wan movies. It can also be found as loot around Verdansk.

The Warzone nuke event has been leaked!

Season 6 will be the moment when Verdansk suffers a nuclear explosion and the switch will be made to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. Part of the event, such as its name and logo, has already been leaked.

Xavi Mogrovejo

Cor Petit.

Co-written with : Jonno Nicholson