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FFXIV 5.4 Producer Live Letter Part 2 announced

FFXIV 5.4 Producer Live Letter Part 2 announced

As Patch 5.4 of FFXIV is planned for Early December the second part of the Live Letter will be held soon.

FFXIV 5.4 Producer Live Letter Part 2 announced

Update 11/27

Our Live Letter Translation is now available:

FFXIV 5.4 Live Letter Part 2: Wings, Cloud of Darkness and more

In today's FF14 Live Letter, the Final Fantasy XIV team revealed more of Patch 5.4 content. This update includes details on Eden's promise Could of Darkness, Emerald Weapon, new wings, and mounts. Here is our 5.4 ffxiv Live Letter Translation.

The second part of the 5.4 Live Letter has been announced for Final Fantasy XIV and will reveal more about "Futures Rewritten".

FFXIV Live Letter Patch 5.4 Part 2 - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV Live Letter Patch 5.4 Part 2

The 61th Producer Liver Letter will be held on November 27 at 3 am (PST) in Japanese.

This second live letter for Patch 5.4 will also include Miscellaneous Updates.

If you missed the first Live Letter for Patch 5.4 here is our dedicated translation.

As I usually do, I'll do my best to bring you the translation of the Live Letter as soon as possible so please make sure to check our FFXIV Portal!

Playing FFXIV on PS5 using Backward Compatibility

Players will be able to play the PS4 Version of FFXIV on their PS5 using the Backward Compatibility, here's all we know about it.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!