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FFXIV: Special Site reveals new visuals for Patch 5.4

FFXIV: Special Site reveals new visuals for Patch 5.4

The Release of Patch 5.4 of FFXIV is coming and new visuals are now available, including the new dungeon: Matoya's Reflect.

FFXIV: Special Site reveals new visuals for Patch 5.4

Images courtesy of Square Enix

Patch 5.4 of Final Fantasy XIV is planned for early December and we know have a closer look at what's planned for this content patch while we wait for the second part of the Live Lette that is coming very soon.

Opened this morning, the new Special Site dedicated to Patch 5.4 "Futures Rewritten" revealed more pictures of the upcoming content. These pictures include shots from the main story, Chronicles of a New Era, the new Eden's Promise Raid, and the new dungeon: Matoya's Reflect

The Special Site also revealed the main Artwork for the patch:

FFXIV 5.4 Special Site Artwork - Final Fantasy XIV
FFXIV 5.4 Special Site Artwork

If you missed the first part of the Live Letter that gave us more information about patch 5.4 content, please feel free to click here to check out the dedicated translation article.

Part Two of this Live Letter has been announced and we'll do our best to provide a translation on our FFXIV Portal the same day.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!