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New League of Legends champion, Rell, the Iron Maiden — kit & abilities

New League of Legends champion, Rell, the Iron Maiden — kit & abilities

Riot Games have revealed details of the 153rd champion to join League of Legends. Rell, the Iron Maiden, is a support champion with shades of Sejuani and Leona. Check out her kit & abilities here!

New League of Legends champion, Rell, the Iron Maiden — kit & abilities

Following a teaser on Riot's social media channels yesterday, the latest champion to join League of Legends has been revealed in all her glory.

Breaking the mould of recent hyper-damage releases, Rell, the Iron Maiden is a tank support capable of absorbing huge amounts of damage. 

Hailing from the region of Noxus and having connections to both LeBlanc and Samira, this third mounted champion has a twisted backstory...

The product of brutal experimentation at the hands of the Black Rose, Rell is a defiant, living weapon determined to topple Noxus. Her childhood was one of misery and horror, enduring unspeakable procedures to perfect and weaponize her magical control over metal... until she staged a violent escape, killing many of her captors in the process. Now branded as a criminal, Rell attacks Noxian soldiers on sight as she searches for survivors of her old “academy,” defending the meek while delivering violent death to her former overseers.

Rell, the Iron Maiden - Abilities

As a support main, when it comes to Rell's kit, I can't help but be excited to get my hands on this new champion. 

With magetism as a common theme among her abilities, be prepared to lead the vanguard for your team in those crucial battles on the Rift!

Passive - Break the Mold

Rell attacks very slowly, but temporarily steals a portion of her target’s Armor and Magic Resist to deal bonus damage based on the amount stolen. Additionally, Rell can siphon resistances from multiple different foes to grow extremely tanky.

Q - Shattering Strike

Rell stabs forward with her lance, breaking any shields and damaging all enemies hit (damage decreases after the first target). If Rell has an ally bound with E - Attract and Repel, she and that ally recover health for each champion hit by this ability.

W - Ferromancy: Crash Down

(Can only cast while mounted)

Rell leaps into the sky and transforms her mount into heavy armor, gaining a huge shield that lasts until destroyed or remounting. Upon landing, she knocks up all enemies around her. Rell can cast E - Attract and Repel and R - Magnet Storm during the transformation.

Rell has increased durability, low movement speed, and a movement speed cap while in armored form. After the transformation, this ability changes to Ferromancy: Mount Up.

W - Ferromancy: Mount Up

(Can only cast while in armored form)

Rell rushes forward and transforms her armor into a mount, gaining a burst of movement speed. During her next attack, she charges her target to deal bonus damage and flip them over her shoulder.

Rell has increased movement speed while mounted. After the transformation, this ability changes to Ferromancy: Crash Down.

E - Attract and Repel

Rell magnetically binds a piece of her armor to a target allied champion, granting them bonus Armor and Magic Resist while nearby.

Rell can recast this spell to break the bind and stun all enemies around and between her and her bound ally.

R - Magnet Storm

Rell erupts in magnetic fury, yanking nearby enemies toward her. She then creates a gravitational field around her, pulling nearby enemies in for a few seconds. The field doesn't interrupt her enemies’ other actions.

Barring any delays, Rell, the Iron Maiden should hit the Rift in Patch 10.25 on December 9, 2020.

David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.