Competitive updates
- Rank distribution has been updated to make it easier to climb out of the lower ranks. These were previous;y disabled due to performances hitches
- Act Rank Badge display has been re-enabled on in-game player cards. Performance issues, such as hitches, have been fixed along with on death performance optimizations
- Career page: Match History and Act Ranks have been split out into their own specific sections. You can still view both your friends Match History and Act Rank progress
Store updates
- Check out our newest feature with the introduction of the Night Market.
- Each player will get 6 chances to receive a random Select, Deluxe, or Premium weapon skin at a discount
- Opens December 10th.
Social updates
- Requirements to unlock Competitive play have been changed from Play 20 Unrated matches >>> Win 10 Unrated matches.
- A text field has been added to the Report Player menu so that players can now provide more information on their reason for reporting, if they choose to.
- Players can now add friends in-game via the player list in the escape menu.
Game systems updates
- Manual Game State Recovery: In cases where tournament organizers need to roll back or replay from a given round, they can now remake any tournament match from that point with our manual recovery tool.
- Cinematic Cameras: We have added cinematic camera locations across all maps for observers to use. Observers can press Shift + player number to jump to the best cinematic camera to capture the action.
- Projectile Follow: Observers can now follow a projectile fired by a player character (Default keybind is F). Observer camera will remain at the destination of the projectile and will transition to a free camera from this point.
- Minimal Broadcast HUD: Observer perspectives that are meant to be used for broadcasting can turn on Minimal Broadcast HUD from the custom game lobby to retain as clean of a HUD experience as possible for custom overlays.
- Observer Follower: Observers can now lock their view to match another observer (Be the passenger instead of the driver). Default keybinds for following previous / next observer: ‘[‘ and ‘]’
- Observers can use player numbers on the minimap to jump directly to a specific player.