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Riot teases next character in 2021 League of Legends Livestream trailer

Riot teases next character in 2021 League of Legends Livestream trailer

To kick off the new season in the League of Legends universe, Riot Games has unveiled a new trailer previewing an upcoming livestream — including a teaser of the next champion to hit the Rift.

Riot teases next character in 2021 League of Legends Livestream trailer

The future of the League of Legends ecosystem — also spanning Wild RiftLegends of Runeterra and Teamfight Tactics — will be outlined in the livestream, which will take place on Friday, January 8 at 7 AM PST.

You can see the trailer below:

In the video we see several things already implemented, such as the item rework in League of Legends and Teemo's introduction to Wild Rift. We also see Star Guardian Janna — perhaps a hint at new additions to the line in 2021? 

Then we get a glimpse at something new. We see a two-headed creature, something akin to an Egyptian god that we could glean as being part of the Shurima storyline.

More specifically, this could be related to the Baccai, mortals who undertook a failed Ascension. Xerath is one of these, and it might not be a stretch to link this new figure with that particular plot device. 

League of Legends

The final third of the trailer focuses on Senna, who suddenly becomes 'activated'. Her ghostly voice whispers: 

"The Mist... he's close... ruination... VIEGO!"

This refers to Viego, The Ruined King of the upcoming Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, a standalone title from Battle Chasers: Nightwar developer Airship Syndicate.

The character will also be introduced as League of Legends' 154th champion, and is rumoured to be a jungle skirmisher. 

Tune in tomorrow for confirmation! 

What if the Ruined King is the first League of Legends champion of 2021?

Presented during the Finals of Worlds, the first trailer for Riot Games’ upcoming RPG showed off The Ruined King, the future antagonist for their next game. There are even some indications that this character may well join League of Legends.

David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.