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Valorant: Updates on in-game behavior detection and penalties

Valorant: Updates on in-game behavior detection and penalties

VALORANT’s Patch 2.04 plans to bring new behavior detection, and severe penalties for AFK players and chat-based offenses.

Valorant: Updates on in-game behavior detection and penalties

Players going AFK, or using offensive words in chat brings down everyone – and VALORANT has taken that on board. Player feedback has resulted in new ways to detect and penalise players who do not follow rules.

AFKs (planned for Patch 2.04)

With the implementation of improved AFK detection (both in-game and pre-game) rather than apply generic penalties on an “as needed” basis, the behavior of your account will be tracked over time. This means that the occasional AFK moment likely won’t be punished too harshly, if at all. However, if this behavior is repeated regularly, the penalties will vary:

  • Warnings
  • XP denial for the games in which you were AFK’d (see ya later, AFK farmers!)
  • Small deductions from your ranked rating for pre-game dodges
  • Deductions from your ranked rating for in-game AFKing (Patch 2.03)
  • Increased queue restrictions
  • Barred entry from ranked games
  • VALORANT game bans (but only if you’re really, really persistent)


Chat-based offenses (planned for Patch 2.04)

In addition to detecting absences in the game, Riot Games has worked to make communication between players in the game more pleasant.

No more silencing everyone. So far, the developers have released a text moderator in 11 languages and overhauled their penalty system for text violations. penalties escalate with both the frequency and severity of the offense. Penalties can include the following:

  • Warnings
  • Comms bans
  • Extended comms bans
  • Ranked queue bans
  • Game bans
  • Extended game bans

(Don't forget: tentatively aimed for Patch 2.04, players who are comms banned will be barred from Competitive queue.)

Feedback on reports (Planned for patch 2.05)

In addition to the rest, Riot Games is in the process of implementing feedback on your reports. This feature will alert players whose reports have been successful.

The first version of the new feature will require you to be logged in to the in-game client to receive feedback, but the developers are working on a way to notify you out of game.

In the viewfinder

These new means of detection (as well as their associated sanctions) will also be applied to the voice channel. Until the technology is perfected, continue to report unwanted behavior.

Riot are looking for ways to detect positive behavior and give more visibility and recognition to players who influence interactions for the better.

As a bonus a feature that allows you to invite players using their Riot ID has been added.

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Editor, MGG EN. Glasgow poet, writer and other fashionable things. I spend so long polishing grammar I can see my face in it.