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Five new Battle Academia skins hit the League of Legends PBE

Five new Battle Academia skins hit the League of Legends PBE

All new skins for Caitlyn, Garen, Wukong, Yone and Leona join the school-based Battle Academia skin line in League of Legends, first being put through their paces on the PBE.

Five new Battle Academia skins hit the League of Legends PBE

The latest round of skins to come to League of Legends are new entries in the Battle Academia set — including a new Prestige Edition.

Caitlyn, Wukong, Garen, Yone and Leona all benefit this time round, with the The Radiant Dawn being granted her very own golden variant.

Six skins currently occupy the Battle Academia universe, an anime-influenced school theme where pupils are trained for war. Those are:

  • Battle Academia: Ezreal, Jayce, Katarina, Lux (who also has a Prestige Edition)
  • Battle Professor Garen
  • Battle Principal Yuumi

You can see the splash arts for the new skins below:

Battle Academia Caitlyn - League of Legends
Battle Academia Caitlyn
Battle Academia Garen & Wukong - League of Legends
Battle Academia Garen & Wukong
Battle Academia Yone - League of Legends
Battle Academia Yone
Battle Academia Leona - League of Legends
Battle Academia Leona

Expectations are that the skins will be released fully with the next patch, following a period of testing to make sure they perform as anticipated.

Battle Academia Leona: Prestige Edition (courtesy @moonstonesxo) - League of Legends
Battle Academia Leona: Prestige Edition (courtesy @moonstonesxo)
David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.