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League of Legends has disco-themed Space Groove skins incoming!

League of Legends has disco-themed Space Groove skins incoming!

Featuring disco balls and flares, these groovy skins are on PBE now!

League of Legends has disco-themed Space Groove skins incoming!

We saw Space Groove teased for League of Legends, but the skins are finally dropping (on PBE)! All the skins feature new models, visual effects, and recalls; and they are mostly at 1350 RP!

In a groovy galaxy a million disco infernos away, a mysterious energy known only as The Groove brings music and prosperity to trillions of galactic citizens, But when the alien overlord Lissandra and her army of Harsh Vibes begin to enslave planets and suppress disco music, a new age of heroes rises to stop her, and keep the party grooving.

Space Groove Blitzcrank

League of Legends
League of Legends

"Blitz and Crank are Cat Planet's fiercest warriors, and work together seamlessly (mostly) to pilot their mech, Blitzcrank. While Crank believes that he can overcome his lack of rhythm with the help of his exuberant copilot, Blitz is... well... he's busy dancing to his own beat. Together they plan to take over Dog Planet and claim its sunbeams for themselves."

Space Groove Blitzcrank will be a Legendary skin, so will have a new voice over, to go along with the new VFX and SFX! Currently set at 1820 RP.

Space Groove Lulu

League of Legends
League of Legends
League of Legends

Space Groove Lulu will be coming with a Prestige skin too!

Both of which will have new VFX and SFX, along with a new Recall.

Space Groove Lulu will be 1350 RP, whilst Space Groove Lulu Prestige Edition will be 2000 Event Tokens

Space Groove Lux

League of Legends
League of Legends

Space Groove Lux will be 1350 RP, and comes with the new VFX and SFX, as well as roller-skating Recall!

"A normal girl from the Normal World, Lux picked up a groove-enhancing staff to defend her planet from the Harsh Vibes... inadvertently discovering she could channel mighty blasts of concentrated disco music. Sailing into space with her mercenary bodyguard, Samira, Lux now stands as the bubbly bastion of good against an evil alien armada and their terrible taste in music."

Space Groove Nasus

League of Legends
League of Legends

"A storied disc jockey, music librarian, and leader of the Dog Planet, Nasus was once under Lissandra's thrall-- seizing all his people's grooviest records and hiding them away, never to be heard again. Yet now, with his heart opened to the power of disco, he leads his people in rebellion against the deadly shock troopers Blitz & Crank."

Space Groove Nasus is another 1350 RP skin, with a dog piloting the dog!

Space Groove Nunu & Willump

League of Legends
League of Legends

"Blessed with the strongest boogie-channeling abilities his planet had ever seen, Willump had been recruited by Lissandra to convert good vibes into harsh ones. But when he met Nunu during the siege of Normal World, Willump broke free of Lissandra's control and the two deserted to travel the galaxy, and bring good vibes back to the universe."

Bringing the disco ball to the disco, Space Groove Nunu & Willump will be 1350 RP. With new VFX and SFX, the W - Biggest Snowball Ever! allows them to roll a disco ball into the enemy team!

Space Groove Rumble

League of Legends
League of Legends

"The Retro-Futuristic Planet is tired of listening to the boring music brought by Lissandra's evil influence. Fashioning a Groove suit of his own design, Rumble now stomps across his adoptive homeworld, unleashing powerful rockets and a groovy bass track on anyone who'd keep the people from dancing."

Space Groove Rumble is gaining some sparkles and colours with this 1350 RP skin, as well as squid-like animals replacing the rockets in his R - The Equalizer.

Space Groove Samira

League of Legends
League of Legends

"A groovy, thrill-seeking bodyguard and elite warrior from the Hot Tub Nebula, Samira took a job directly from the Three Party Goddesses to save Lux from an impending invasion of the Normal World. Now, as the pair liberate planets across the galaxy, Samira must do everything in her power to keep Lux safe-- both from Lissandra and from Lux's own lack of self preservation instincts."

Samira is adding some flares to her flair, with Space Groove Samira; a 1350 RP skin!

New VFX, SFX, and Recall will allow Samira to boogy all over the Botlane with a disco inferno trigger.

Alistar Barratt

English Nerd, Linguistics Enthusiast, Meme Connoisseur, Coffee Reliant. Alistar is here to bring some freshly-baked news for your reading pleasure!