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LoL: Mikyx - It was easy to adapt to Rekkles

LoL: Mikyx - It was easy to adapt to Rekkles

G2 Esports has secured their place kin the playoffs, and with the European title and the Worlds in their sights, Mikyx wants to go step by step.

LoL: Mikyx - It was easy to adapt to Rekkles

Mihael "Mikyx" Mehle, the 22 year old Slovenian support, has won almost everything since he joined G2. His career is already full of titles and stories to tell. He's played with botlane stars such as Kobbe, Hans Sama, Perkz and even Caps, and his latest duo is with none other than Rekkles .

Right after G2 Esports win over Misfits that secured Ocelote a playoff spot , Mikyx was interviewed by our MGG FR teammates to tell us about his team's form, his duet with the Swedish legend and his culinary skills.

Hi Mikyx! We have to congratulate you twice today, for the victory but also for qualifying for the playoffs. How do you feel?

I'm happy and especially about qualifying for the playoffs. Today's game has been clean, well controlled and we haven't made too many mistakes.

Are you tired after playing the last game of the day? Did you do something special to celebrate Jankos's birthday yesterday?

I'm not tired because my sleep schedule is perfect! I wake up a little late. On match days, I often wake up between noon and 1 a.m. to reach my best match form.

And for Jankos's birthday, he said he wanted a waffle cake. I didn't necessarily want to do one for him, but everyone put pressure on me, especially on Twitter. So I made Jankos a waffle cake for his birthday, but he only ate part of it in the end.

Today you played against Kobbe, your former partner in Splyce with whom you competed at the highest level. Is playing and beating him something special?

It's always special to play against a former teammate and we usually chat a bit before and after the game.

You've been playing G2 for a while and you've won a lot of titles. G2 is often described as a team that laughs at everything and likes to play in interviews or on social media. But is it also a team where there is more pressure?

Obviously, there is more pressure. When I joined Splyce, no one had expectations of us. Even when we lost, we were the only ones disappointed. Playing for G2 is different, especially after my first year of winning everything. To keep winning is complicated and defeat becomes more difficult to accept. You are expected to play well and when you don't, people are there to remind you. The better you are, the more people will follow your matches and share their opinion about you.

Do you have any advice as a professional gamer to survive this pressure and live with criticism from social media?

I don't really have any advice, because I don't give it much thought. But I imagine if you can't stand them, you'd better stay away from social media. Players should remember that the only criticism that really matters is from other members of their team.

Do you think your team has improved a lot between the Spring and Summer Split?

I think we are much better than in spring. We have a better draft, we play better in lanes and dragons, and also our support-jungle duo is better. We play more champions and we have diversified our style of play, we try to integrate everything that Nelson has put on the table, because he has had many new ideas. The objective was to qualify for the playoffs, now that it is done we will be able to continue working and improving as a team.

Are you focusing only on the LEC or are you already thinking about the end of the year World Cup?

Now we are only focused on the LEC. We are still not sure about going to the World Cup, there are only three places this year and I think there are very good teams in Europe at the moment. I think MAD, Rogue, Fnatic, ourselves, and even Misfits are serious competitors. We will think about the World Cup when we have our classification in our pocket.

League of Legends

Can you tell us about your duo with Rekkles?

He is the one who communicates the most about the status of our lane, the waves of minions and what he wants to do with them. I talk more about whether I want to rotate or remove a Vision Ward. and it is also more me who plans 2v2. But I don't think any of us take full responsibility for the bottom lane.

You've played with a lot of cool ADCs. Compared to Perkz, was it easy to adapt to Rekkles?

In general, it was easy to adapt to Rekkles and we talked a lot about how we want to play together in botlane. If I compare the botlanes to Perkz and Caps, they both had a role swap and sometimes I had to explain to them how certain pairings worked.

It was a little while before we could really talk about botlane. Many times he would lead the discussion, but he didn't really talk about the way he wanted to play. When he played with Hans, it was mainly him who spoke. At Splyce with Kobbe, I think we had an equal relationship, as is the case with Rekkles.

Finally, I would like to know who inspired you when you were younger?

When I was a rookie, I really liked Madlife, I played Thresh too. It was my first source of inspiration. Then when I hit high elo, I took a bit of inspiration from Mithy. I talked to him a lot and asked for his advice, especially when I was in G2 with Zven.

It helped me understand the game better. Then when I started playing international tournaments, I played against Gorilla and he served as a reference for me. We talked, he was super nice and advised me on some matchups. And now I don't really think there is anyone to look up to.

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José Ángel Mateo Albuerne

La barba más cuidada de los esports y videojuegos.