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WoW: A never seen before move for the most populated server in the world

WoW: A never seen before move for the most populated server in the world

Since the number of simultaneous players continues to grow on the European Firemaw server, the situation has inevitably degenerated and Blizzard has chosen to take exceptional measures for what is currently the most populated kingdom in the world in Burning Crusade Classic!

Nearly a year after its deployment, Burning Crusade Classic continues to be talked about, and for good! Well almost... With the imminent arrival of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, players seem to be increasingly interested in the first extension of World of Warcraft... so much so that some servers are heavily overloaded. A situation that is certainly fun and pleasant to see as a fan of the license, but much less pleasant for those who have "taken up residence" on them. But after weeks of literal Hell, Blizzard has finally taken matters into their own hands!

Firemaw: An underrated mega-server

Problematic for many weeks already, the Firemaw server (EN-PvP) is in the grip of serious criticism from many players. This European server, which does not look like much at first sight, is indeed to date the most populated in the world... In the world! Its population is such that from 4:00 p.m. every day in the middle of the week, players are already facing queues of more than 2,000 players. On weekends, things are naturally often much more uncontrollable with queues sometimes passing the 10,000 player mark at the start of the afternoon.

Certainly, as we explained previously, this is a very satisfying point to raise to the detractors of World of Warcraft in an attempt to demonstrate to them that Blizzard's MMORPG is far from being "dead", very very far. However, the situation is really unbearable for the very many players who have chosen to play their main characters on this kingdom ( and I know what I am talking about ).

After much criticism and complaints, Blizzard recently appealed to all players on this server, inviting them to migrate to other less populated realms for free. For several months now, free migrations have been available from Firemaw to most sparsely populated Burning Crusade Classic PvP realms, but the situation is not improving, on the contrary it even seems to be getting worse, and that's good normal: when all your characters are on a given server, your friends and your guild too, queue or not, there is no doubt that you do not want to change it.

World of Warcraft


Full Firemaw Lockdown

But, since this affluence also tends to attract many players in search of a hyper-populated kingdom, Blizzard has chosen to cut to the chase: as of this Monday, May 23, 2022, it is no longer possible to migrate to destination of Firemaw, nor even to create any character there if you do not already have a character on this server. An unprecedented choice that players expect a lot!

Update— As of about 20 minutes ago, it is no longer possible to transfer to Firemaw, and it is no longer possible to make a character on Firemaw if you do not already have a character on Firemaw.
World of Warcraft

Still, things are unlikely to get back to "normal" in the next few weeks and Blizzard may well be at an impasse with Firemaw's unique case: if it's already hosting a bewildering and problematic amount of "dip" players. , who would be crazy enough to imagine the consequences of an extension deployment under these conditions?

One thing is certain: Firemaw is probably one of the biggest thorns in Blizzard's side to date and... They can only blame themselves for that! The state of this kingdom has been known for long weeks now, yet no effective measures have been taken upstream, waiting for the last minute to react. Result: Firemaw is now out of control and Blizzard is completely unable to force its players to leave this server to make it more livable for everyone. A trial !

LoL: A former Fnatic Pro makes a cute move after a game

League of Legends does not have the reputation of being a game for pleasant encounters. Competition puts players under constant stress, and their diplomatic skills are usually nil. Nevertheless, this former Fnatic player showed great kindness to a mate.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!