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LoL: A former Fnatic Pro makes a cute move after a game

LoL: A former Fnatic Pro makes a cute move after a game

League of Legends does not have the reputation of being a game for pleasant encounters. Competition puts players under constant stress, and their diplomatic skills are usually nil. Nevertheless, this former Fnatic player showed great kindness to a mate.

LoL: A former Fnatic Pro makes a cute move after a game

The permanent competition between opponents, but sometimes also between teammates (in particular to know who to recover this third blue buff, which seems very important for this player of Garen, who apparently does not manage to have mana), does not make League of Legends a good place to chill and take the time to take care of others. This is why, when a player shows particular attention, it tends to mark more the spirits than on another title. Known for being a calm and likeable person on the professional scene, Broxah also showed his kindness off-stream, unaware that the story would find its way into the public square.

The story

The player who testifies is an OTP Yuumi, challenger on the European server. The library cat being considered a champion with a very low skillcap, the person who holds it often suffers verbal attacks concerning her level of play, even her sex, when these are not sexist attacks, part of the community believing that a person playing Yuumi must be a woman. The witness says that it is common for players to add him as a friend after a game, to insult him and tell him that his ranking is not deserved. After a difficult game, with many toxic pings, the player received yet another request. He accepts, ready for a new verbal battle, but the message that follows surprises him to the highest degree.

League of Legends
League of Legends

The person who added it sincerely wonders about its current state. During the game, Yuumi's player seemed to be on edge, and his temporary teammate simply suggests not to start the game at such times, the competitive (and toxic) atmosphere not inviting relaxation , nor to relaxation. If this behavior might seem normal in everyday life, it is much rarer in League of Legends. Our mates are often transients, with whom we will ultimately share little time in our lives (except the challengers who play with each other, but they are the exception that proves the rule), and very few people would have taken the time to just comfort one of his human beings that we pass without ever seeing them.

Broxah unmasked

This story was barely out, that part of the community immediately made the connection with the old Fnatic jungle. During a stream, Broxah had added as a friend a Yuumi who had seemed very tilted. The request had not been accepted, and the Dane ended up cutting his live. Finally, it seems that this request was accepted, and led to the exchange shown above. The summoner icon matches the one used by Broxah, while cross-referencing the two players' supposed summoner names reinforces this theory. Although the summoner name of the person testifying is technically unknown, they use the nickname Raysor83. Except Broxah has crossed paths with a Yuumi named Raysor in his recent games, a coincidence at this level seems more than unlikely.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!