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WoW Dragonflight: A leak reveals the release date of the extension, the PrePatch and many others!

WoW Dragonflight: A leak reveals the release date of the extension, the PrePatch and many others!

With a good number of games and expansions expected for the end of 2022, Activision Blizzard and their players could well have a busy schedule. This is what seems to be confirmed by a major leak that is particularly credible in many respects, including Diablo IV!

If you thought you were done with "leak season" last April when the World of Warcraft expansion Dragonflight was announced, forget it! In a document posted on Reddit on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, a user whose account and message have since been deleted revealed what could be the deployment date of the PrePatch but also of the Dragonflight expansion itself. We discover in passing other presumably interesting dates concerning Call of Duty and Diablo IV!

World of Warcraft

A busy schedule for the end of the year

The document presented above seems to come from the internal structure of Activision Blizzard, it would be a sort of roadmap, a "roadmap", in order to anticipate the events to come for the end of the year 2022 Although not captioned, this document also indicates the level of preparation of the teams dedicated to each license to come. We can thus deduce (without too much certainty) that the part on the left under the 1 would indicate the events for which the developers are absolutely ready, where the left part under the 2 would be dedicated to those whose development continues and for which it is there are still areas for improvement as it draws to a close.

The following schedule would therefore be planned for the next few months:


Release date


Wotlk Classic PrePatch Deployment

and pre-orders of the Digital Deluxe Edition

Wednesday, August 31, 2022


Extension deployment

Wrath of the Lich King Classic

from World of Warcraft

Tuesday, September 27, 2022


Early Access Rollout

to Overwatch 2

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Expansion Prepatch Deployment

Dragonflight from World of Warcraft

Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Call of Duty: Cortez Rollout

Thursday, October 27, 2022


Call of Duty: Warzone 2 Rollout

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


Extension deployment

Dragonflight from World of Warcraft

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Launch of pre-orders of

Diablo IV during the Game Awards

Thursday, December 9, 2022


The least we can say is that this second part of the year 2022 could prove to be as interesting for players as it is violent for their wallets. If the first part of this provisional calendar is already known and confirmed, the second is no less credible and interesting despite the fact that we have no information about it.

However, it is on the side of Call of Duty that we can ask ourselves some questions. Deploying two games from the same franchise seems quite cumbersome and risky. Although the two are very different, one being more solo-oriented when the other is a Battle Royale, barely two weeks separate them and this is probably the only point that seems to be missing from this supposed leak. But who knows? Maybe Activision has seen the big picture and will roll out two Call of Duty games less than two weeks apart!

World of Warcraft

Player fears confirmed for World of Warcraft?

If the deployment date of the Wrath of the Lich King Classic PrePatch made a lot of people cringe, it was without counting on that of the Dragonflight extension. Perfectly consistent with what we are used to, the release dates of the next WoW expansions and their PrePach seem far too close to the taste of a certain number of players of the two versions of the game: barely a month for take advantage of WotLK Classic before moving on to the PrePatch at the end of November, then a month later on Dragonflight risks imposing a particularly execrable pace on fans, forcing them to make a heartbreaking choice which will serve one or the another extension. Worse still, with a deployment of the first WotLK raids scheduled for October 6th, this will only give them three weeks to take full advantage of it...

Unfortunately, this obvious loss (again if the timing is correct) won't show up on the firm's fourth quarter financial report since the Modern version and the Classic version of the game are considered to be one and the same game in the eyes of the public. shareholders. Once again, these are the players who could toast despite an obvious passion for Blizzard's MMORPG...

However, that's not all, since the deployment of the Dragonflight expansion indicated in this document implies a schedule for the deployment of content that is already very controversial and well known to players from the previous expansion. The pattern of Shadowlands could thus repeat itself despite the promises of certain developers, and players who are fans of "progress" in PvE could find themselves having to choose once again between celebrating Christmas serenely or evolving within the Vault of the Incarnates, the first raid of the extension, during the end-of-year holidays.

World of Warcraft

That being the case, it is important to put things into perspective. The alarmism of too many players on this subject is far from the reality of things: few guilds really progress in Mythic Mode during the first weeks whatever happens, and most promote the life of family to their raid progress. It is therefore mainly a problem that the best guilds in the world (or each region) will suffer, not many more.

Anyway, Activision Blizzard has not yet reacted (and probably will not react) about this document. Although very credible, it is possible that some elements are not up to date or incomplete. In any case, the developers will undoubtedly have many things to share about the course of each of these events in the weeks to come, in particular about this first progress of Dragonflight whose postponement to the beginning of the year 2023 n is absolutely not to be ruled out.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!