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LoL: A 1v1 game mode is coming... but not on League of Legends

LoL: A 1v1 game mode is coming... but not on League of Legends

You may have heard about it in the past few days, but a new game mode is coming... to Wild Rift. A special mode, probably permanent: 1v1. An addition that did not go over very well with the League of Legends community.

For some time, the League of Legends community has been angry with Riot Games (although one can legitimately wonder when it isn't). Many players are disappointed with the events offered by Riot Games, with its lack of renewal. We are not going to talk here about visual novels, moderately appreciated and which will be diminished in the future as clarified by Riot's new MOBA manager, but about game modes.

At each event we always find the same: URF, Grimoire ultimate (the most recent), Raid of the Nexus or One for all. A choice made by the studio, which explained that bringing back old temporary game modes that were present on the old client would simply require too much work. So when a new game mode expected by the community is announced on Wild Rift, the mobile version of LoL, it annoys many members of the community.

Wild Rift-exclusive 1v1

You've probably seen it happening on the networks, a mode called duel 1vs1 is coming to Wild Rift — next September 15 with patch 3.4. The principle is simple and stems from its title: you tataner with a single opponent on the map of ARAM (Abîme Hurlant). Some will tell me, but it's enough to create a custom game on LoL, right? Yes and no. Of course, you can technically create a pure 1v1 situation on the PC version via custom game creation, but it's not quite the same thing.

League of Legends
League of Legends

First, you have to create the game manually each time, but most importantly you can only play against people who are in your friends list . Unlike Wild Rift, it's a real queue, so you can take on any player and prove to the world who really is the strongest.

A problematic customer

The announcement of the addition of this mode on the mobile version caused a huge reaction from the community. "Wild Rift is literally just better than League on PC. Better skins, more cosmetics and already more new modes this year than on PC." said one player on Twitter.

If the statement is true, it is easily explained. It should be remembered that the teams dealing with Wild Rift and League of Legends are two very distinct entities, each working on its projects independently (even if sometimes there are common events). You do not program the same way on PC as on mobile. What's more, the League of Legends client is old, has been updated several times and has many problems - this is one of the reasons why we will probably never see old ones again. modes like Hexakill, Odyssey: Extraction or even Nemesis Draft (which was hated by Riot Games anyway).

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What annoys the community the most is that the rate of additions on the mobile version seems very fast compared to League of Legends. We must not forget that Wild Rift is younger, was coded in a more recent era, and is therefore less buggy than the PC version. The Riot Games MOBA is almost 13 years old and has grown enormously over the years. Maintaining a stable client is a real challenge, especially with over 160 champions and millions of monthly players. Player frustration is understandable, but so are Riot Games' decisions regarding its two titles.

We will still remember that the best 1v1 are those with Dr. Mundo in the pit of Nashor. This is a real duel of skill.

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Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!