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WoW Dragonflight: Level 70 reached in record time, unheard of!

WoW Dragonflight: Level 70 reached in record time, unheard of!

The boat and the zeppelin have finally arrived! The Dragon Islands have finally been accessible since Tuesday midnight and the traditional rush to the maximum level has finally been able to begin. And despite some server issues, it was pretty fast for some.

After a long wait since the last major Shadowlands patch, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is finally here! New class/race, new interface, new dungeons, new raid, overhaul of professions among many new features and above all new continent! After being exiled in the Shadowlands for more than 2 years, here we are back on Azeroth where we will find new allies, the Dracthyrs on the mythical Dragon Islands.

First step: go from level 60 to 70. A step that despite not necessarily cooperative servers, was only a formality for some who really decided to speedrun this tradition!

Fastest leveling across all expansions

Blizzard had warned us, leveling (raising a character to the maximum level) is no longer the main task of the game, which took several days/weeks as it could have been 18 years ago. Always faster with each extension in order to access endgame content as quickly as possible, this time it is still a little faster than in Shadowlands a little over 2 years ago.

So fast that the Korean player Adelio and his 4 colleagues in this replay above folded it in less than 3 hours! No specific technique or dungeon rush loop, no no, their group made up of 3 Balance druids, 1 Beast Mastery hunter and 1 Vengeance demon hunter decided to speedrun the campaign and the basic quests at the speed of the game. flash and went level 70 very quickly.

And while this gang was having fun and getting ready to start the available content (not everything is there yet, we will have to wait until December 13 for the start of season 1, raid and mythic +), others do not only had the choice to speedrun the refresh page of the servers, the latter being quite capricious..

Also a traditional launch

With each extension for 18 years now, the ritual has been almost identical, we rush to the boat on the Alliance side or on the zeppelin if you have good taste on the Horde side, and we pray that the servers hold up in order to avoid disconnection . And despite an ever-increasing surge of optimism with each release, the traditional server problems sometimes occurred for some.

We are currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may cause failed or slow login attempts.

No miracle so again, the servers once again suffered, but let's put it into perspective, the connection problems were relatively brief compared to what the oldest may have experienced at the time, and the servers were stable after a little over an hour.

Again, don't worry if you're worried about falling behind, the first post-70s content has just been released, and leveling is pretty quick. So it's never too late to rush to the Dragon Isles, discover the many who hide there, and prepare for the content to come in the next few days and to face Raszageth in a few weeks!

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!