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LoL — SKT T1 formally rebrands to T1, reveals new logo and merchandise

LoL — SKT T1 formally rebrands to T1, reveals new logo and merchandise

The team formerly known as SKT T1 have unveiled their new logo and merchandising — just before the Group Stage of the League of Legends World Championship begins. This comes as part of a rebranding first announced way back in February.

LoL — SKT T1 formally rebrands to T1, reveals new logo and merchandise

Back in February 2019, SKT T1 announced that they had partnered with US giant Comcast to found a company specialized in esports: T1 Entertainment & Sports.

As part of this deal, SKT were to change its name, becoming T1. The renaming has been present on the team's social media accounts for a while now, and with Worlds about to kick off for the team, the branding will be front and center on the big stage.

In a video published on Twitter, T1 revealed their brand new logo, as well as new merchandise.

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It remains to be seen whether T1 will keep their signature red jacket when entering the stage...

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo