For several weeks, the balancing team has been working diligently on a modification regarding the maximum range of zone spells of several League of Legends champions.
Let's take the example of Miss Fortune's E — Make It Rain.
If you cast the spell outside the maximum range of the spell, then the champion will move to the desired area until she is within range and cast her spell. On the PBE, the mechanics have been changed. If you now cast the spell outside the maximum range, you will not move and the spell will instantly be activated at the maximum range depending on your position.
Riot Games tests this change mainly to create a more intuitive and instinctive targeting experience for players but also to increase the percentage of success of these spells when they are cast.
Several champions are impacted by this new mechanism:
These changes are purely experimental — for the moment there is nothing to say if they will ever be shipped to the live servers. It also implies that players will have to 're-learn' how to use some spells and Riot Games don't want the experience to be too constraining. In short, the team is waiting for the players' return to continue or not in this direction.