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LoL Transfer Window: LCS player Zven becomes free agent

LoL Transfer Window: LCS player Zven becomes free agent

Team SoloMid ADC Player Jesper 'Zven' Svenningsen just announced via Twitter that while his contract with TSM was still active they allowed him to explore options for the upcoming season.

LoL Transfer Window: LCS player Zven becomes free agent

Photo courtesy of Riot Games

He previously shined on the League of Legends European Championship stage alongside Origen and G2 Esports before joining Team SoloMid along with Mithy in November 2017. While still being contracted with the NA premier esports organization, Jesper 'Zven' Svenningsen was allowed to talk with other teams in order to explore options for the upcoming 2020 Spring Split.

"Not making Worlds for the second year in a row while not even winning Spring Split and participating in MSI was a crazy disappointment," Zven said. "My contract with TSM is still active but they told me before I went home that I'm free to talk to any team and that they will give any team permission to talk to me, which I really appreciate. So I've been a free agent for about a month, talking to teams in both EU and NA (including TSM)."

We still don't know if the ADC player will remain at TSM, or even in LCS. He might consider making a big return to the LEC, but at this moment it remains to be seen.

Thomas "Calo" Sauzin

Head of Portal League of Legends ?? — Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo