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LoL Transfer Window: Cuzz to replace Clid as SKT T1 Jungler

LoL Transfer Window: Cuzz to replace Clid as SKT T1 Jungler

After the announcement of Clid's departure to Gen.G, the position of jungler within SKT T1 was vacant, for a few days. Today, the organization has just made Cuzz's arrival in his roster official.

LoL Transfer Window: Cuzz to replace Clid as SKT T1 Jungler

Photo courtesy of SKT T1

A question was burning our lips since Clid's departure to Gen.G: which player would be able to replace him in SKT T1? The suspense is over today with the official announcement of the organization. This heavy task will be the responsibility of Moon "Cuzz" Woo-chan, a long-time DragonX player (Formerly Longzhu Gaming and later KingZone DragonX).

SKT T1 also took the opportunity to announce that Lee "Effort" Sang-ho renewed his contract. It will be signed with the organization for several years. The future of the iconic coach kkOma and the toplaner Khan, whose plans for the 2020 season are not yet known, are still pending.

