All About Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Warzone: Battle Royale, Warzone, Latest Leaks & More

In the latest of a string of leaks, a video has surfaced revealing a map that could be used for a potential battle royale mode. Check out all the details in this article!

Call of Duty: Warzone: Battle Royale, Warzone, Latest Leaks & More

After plenty of speculation, more fuel has been added to the fire regarding the potential of a standalone battle royale mode coming to Modern Warfare. Whether its a bug or leaks, there is a lot of evidence that a battle royale mode is being developed.

This information should be taken with a pinch of salt as there has been no official confirmation of a Modern Warfare battle royale being in development

The Different Leaks

The Countdown is ON!

The leaks look to be true! A countdown has appeared on the "Classified" tab on Modern Warfare, suggesting that a March 10th launch is on the cards.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Leaked Gameplay Surfaces

It appears that some early gameplay has surfaced on YouTube ahead of the March 10th launch. Check out the video below:

Leaker declares Warzone to Launch on March 10th

Renowned Call of Duty leaker Okami13_ has revealed a potential release for the battle royale mode.

He says that Warzone is set for launch on March 10th, with a trailer for the mode coming on Thursday March 5th or on Monday March 9th.

He also goes one step further, stating that a remastered version of Modern Warfare 2 will also be released this year!

The Map

On the Modern Warfare Reddit, a new image has surfaced surrounding the map for Warzone. Containing all areas from the Special Ops mode, all Ground War maps and a couple of maps from previous Modern Warfare titles, this appears to be the final map ahead of the launch of the battle royale, which is rumoured to be released in March.

The size of the map is allegedly 8km² and with areas from Ground War and Spec Ops, players are likely to be familiar with many of the areas on the map.

A Leaked Video Resurfaces

A few weeks ago, there was some controversy surrounding a video that was posted by Call of Duty leaker, TheGamingRevolution. The video shows leaked gameplay from the training area of Warzone.

The video was taken down by Activision, adding more fuel to the fire of a battle royale mode arriving in the near-future. It appears that the video showing the leaked footage has re-appeared on YouTube, suggesting that an announcement is in the works

The video in question can be found below.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

The Tomogunchi Bundle

In the description of the new Tomogunchi bundle, it reads "Dinosaurs, fire-breathing dragons, and an evolving watch that will have you gaming the warzone."

The mention of warzone could well be a sign that the BR is set for release in the very near future. For now, it's probably best to take these rumours with a pinch of salt.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

Transmission Incoming

Some eagle-eyed players have spotted a hidden message on the main menu of Modern Warfare. Behind the "Classified" tab, a small message reading "Transmission Incoming" can be seen behind the Classified wording.

Is an announcement imminent?!

Look carefully behind the 'Classified' for the hidden message! - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Look carefully behind the "Classified" for the hidden message!

A Potential Release Date?!

UPDATE: March 4th 2020

March 3rd was one of the dates where many expected some form of news to be announced surrounding Warzone. Still with no news and no clue as to when it is to be released, we turn our attention to March 10th, where multiple sources are expecting either a release or some form of announcement.

According to website VGC, insider sources claim that Warzone is close to being completed, with an estimated release date of March 10th.

Warzone is also set to be a standalone, free-to-play game too. Players that don't own Modern Warfare will be able to download the battle royale game while Modern Warfare owners will have instant access to the mode.

These are all still rumours as Activision and Infinity Ward have yet to make any form of official announcement regarding the release of the new mode.

200+ Challenges

Reddit user Senescallo has posted a massive list of challenges that are expected to feature on Warzone. You can see the complete list of leaked challenges below:


Some users have managed to get into the Warzone menu thanks to various in-game bugs which have allowed them to get a sneak peek at the menu for the battle royale, some of the ways which Plunder can be spent and the ability to edit what you can have in your drop kits.

Check out the images below!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

A name: Call of Duty Warzone

A picture (now deleted) posted on Reddit shows Ghost on top of a vehicle along with other operators from Modern Warfare.

A new tab

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

With the second season of Modern Warfare a new tab appeared in the "CLASSIF_F" menus. PrestigeIsKey twisted this image creating debates on a possible Battle Royal on Modern Warfare.

A troubling cutscene

The cutscene introducing season 2 and Ghost announces a disturbing event where all the soldiers shoot each other ... Just like a Battle Royale. Could it be a very subtle hint from Infinity Ward?

A huge map was discovered because of a bug in Spec Ops. NateBerg3 was catapulted into the air and finds a map that is far too big to be in the Ground War map pool. The video also shows a variety of roads and buildings.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare

In recent months, dataminers have found what could be the map for a potential BR mode in the PC files of Modern Warfare.

Other leaks have indicated that the BR mode will be a standalone title, free-to-play and developed by Raven Software, the studio that developed Modern Warfare Remastered.

Stay tuned for more Modern Warfare news!

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Gunfight OSP & Infected Game Modes

As part of season one of Modern Warfare, two new game modes have been added. Check out all the information about them in this article,

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