Find the list of all the items of the day in the Fortnite shop on December 20th: skins, weapons, picks, dances, emotes or gliders!

Find the list of all the items of the day in the Fortnite shop on December 20th: skins, weapons, picks, dances, emotes or gliders!
Nintendo and Game Freak continue to bring us Christmas presents for Pokémon Sword and Shield! Today, here's a code to win 10 Luxury Balls.
Searching through holiday stockings in the Cabin is the first step in all the daily Winterfest challenges in Fortnite. It allows you to unlock the second stage, which will offer you a cosmetic.
The long-awaited nerfs were just announced. They will be on the live servers as of December 19, 2019.Tthree Shaman cards, as well as the Faceless Corruptor are going to undergo some nerfs. Some changes are also to be noted on the Hearthstone Battlegrounds side.
In this article find the full patch notes for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
The first patch of the year will have its share of new features including three new little legends on Combat Tactique: Tocker, Craggle and Flutterbug.
Infinity Ward has revealed the next batch of free content to come to Modern Warfare. Find out when and what is in store in this article!
In this article, find all the item collections that are available in the store on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Crackshot and Crackabella skins appear in the Fortnite Item Shop for the second day in a row. If you missed your chance yesterday, this is your chance to get them!
Last update before the end of the season, micro patch 9.24b implements some balance changes that should hopefully put an end to the global domination of Assassins...
As announced in the season one trailer, Shipment, Vacant and new Gunfight maps are now live in Modern Warfare.
The split screen feature on Playstation 4 and Xbox One is back and has been implemented with update v11.30. You'll finally be able to play as a duo on the same console with your teammate for the Winter Royale!
Fortnite Winterfest is at its peak, and every day you can now open a new gift from the Lodge. You've been given a list of all the Fortnite presents you can expect during these 14 days of Christmas.
In this article find out which players made it into the fourteenth team of the week on FIFA Ultimate Team
Following the end of the Season, Riot is pushing a quick micro patch notably to balance Aphelios which was considered completely unbalanced by the community. Drakes and lethality items are also affected by this update which should be the last of the year!
Following Aphelios' release, we were expecting a new juggernaut to be added in League of Legends. Brace yourselves, because Sett, the Ionian Boss, is coming!
Just in time for Christmas, Pokémon Sword & Shield are offering free Poké Balls via Mystery Gift — including the rather rare Level Ball and Heavy Ball!
In November, Square Enix send good vibes to the horde of fans who are eagerly awaiting FF7 Remake. Here is a new pictures gallery with some weapons, summons and Aeris house.
The soundtrack of FF7 Remake is particularly awaited, and for good reason: the music composed by Nobuo Uematsu still resonates in the heart of many players. On its online store, Square Enix offers a limited edition double-vinyl, dedicated to the OST of both games.
On Tuesday December 17, Blizzard implemented a wave of Paid Character Migrations on American servers. Discover all you need to know about the restriction on this much-needed service!
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