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LoL PBE Patch 10.1 notes: Sett, the Boss, heads to the Rift

LoL PBE Patch 10.1 notes: Sett, the Boss, heads to the Rift

Following Aphelios' release, we were expecting a new juggernaut to be added in League of Legends. Brace yourselves, because Sett, the Ionian Boss, is coming!

LoL PBE Patch 10.1 notes: Sett, the Boss, heads to the Rift

League of Legends is getting older, and we're about to enter into the tenth season. Expected to be released in January, patch 10.1 is currently tested on the PBE, but another micro patch should arrive just before it.

Patch 9.24 will indeed be pushed to the live servers in a few days, in order to introduce some quick balance changes — notably the long-awaited nerf of the Conqueror rune.

Following the addition of Senna and Aphelios, a new champion has been announced: Sett, the Ionian Boss, should arrive alongside patch 10.1.

As usual, all the following changes are incredibly subject to changes.

Table of Contents

December 19

  • Champion Balance Changes: Azir, Corki, Jayce, Kalista, Kassadin, Sejuani, Sylas, Vi

December 17

  • Champion Balance Changes: Alistar, Ezreal, Garen, Gnar, Graves, Heimerdinger, Shaco, Shyvana, Sylas
  • Miscellaneous: Thresh Visual Update

December 12

  • New champion: Sett, the Boss
Sett is available in the shop!

While Aphelios has just arrived in the rift, the next League of Legends champion has already been announced. Discover Sett the boss!

  • New skins:

• Mecha Kingdom: Jax, Sett, Leona, Draven, Garen

• Guardian of the Sands: Janna, Rengar, Ryze

• Dragonslayer: Diana, Olaf, Trundle

• Other: Freljord Sylas

  • Champion Balance Changes: Nami, Zyra, Sylas
  • Item changes: Spellthief's Edge (Line), Steel Shoulderguards (Line), Relic Shield (Line), Spectral Sickle (Line)
  • Rune changes: Eyeball Collection
  • Miscellaneous: New summoner icons, new emotes, new ward skin
