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Hearthstone Descent of Dragons Deck Guide: Highlander Rogue

Hearthstone Descent of Dragons Deck Guide: Highlander Rogue

It's one of the most fun decks of the Descent of Dragons expansion, but it's also one of the most complete and stable! We offer you a small turnkey guide to help you handle it with dexterity.

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Descent of Dragons has finally arrived in Hearthstone and with it the new Invoke mechanic, the new Galakrond hero for E.V.I.L classes and side quests.

If you were looking for a fun decklist to play with while grinding the ladder, then this Highlander Rogue is made for you!

Fast44's Highlander Rogue

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New cards:

Dragon's Hoard, Praise Galakrond!, Seal Fate, Bad Luck Albatross, Shield of Galakrond, Faceless Corruptor, Flik Skyshiv, Krong Dragonhoof, Galakrond the Nightmare, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

Galakrond's Awakening cards: Escaped Manasaber, Boompistol Bully

Xblyzes's Highlander Rogue



New cards:

Dragon's Hoard, Praise Galakrond!, Seal Fate, Devoted Maniac, Shield of Galakrond, Faceless Corruptor, Flik Skyshiv, Krong Dragonhoof, Galakrond the Nightmare, Dragonqueen Alexstrasza

Galakrond's Awakening cards: Escaped Manasaber, Skyvateer

Like all highlander decks, the specificity of this archetype is to have only one copy of each card. This allows you to activate the effects of Zephrys and Dragonqueen Alextrasza.

The game plan is quite basic like all the decks of this archetype: you need to curve every turn. Keep the most important cards like Zephrys, E.V.I.L Miscreant, Necrium Blade and Necrium Apothecary in your starting hand. Take advantage of the many random effects and Invoke to gain an advantage in the game. Finish it with Vancleef and/or pressure with Leeroy.

Check our 75 decklists for Descent of Dragons!

The new Hearthstone extension, Descent of Dragons, is available since December 10. Here is our selection of decks made by professional players or streamers, to have fun once your boosters are open.


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