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WoW Classic: Cenarion Aid — Priest Sunken Temple Quest

WoW Classic: Cenarion Aid — Priest Sunken Temple Quest

Each class has a unique class quest that takes them to the Temple of Atal'Hakkar and offers up a rare item as a reward. Read on to find out how to complete the Priest class quest: Cenarion Aid.

WoW Classic: Cenarion Aid — Priest Sunken Temple Quest
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In WoW Classic, Priests are able to access several unique class quests. You can start the Level 50 Priest quest chain as a character of any race or faction, and completing this chain allows you to choose one of the following items as a reward:

  • Blessed Prayer Beads
  • Woestave
  • Circle of Hope

Cenarion Aid

To start the final Priest class quest, simply talk to any Priest Trainer in any Capital City. They will offer you the following quest:

  • Cenarion Aid

This quest will require you to take a trip to see Ogtinc, a furbolg residing in Azshara.

Location of Ogtinc

Once you've found Ogtinc, talk to him. He will then give you the next quest in the chain:

  • Of Coursers We Know

For this quest, you'll need to gather 4 Healthy Courser Glands from Mosshoof Coursers:

These creatures can be found throughout Azshara, with the exception of Naga-held areas (in Kaldorei ruins and by beaches).

Location of Mosshoof Coursers in Azshara

Once you're finished collecting these items, return to Ogtinc, who will offer you the following quest:

  • The Ichor of Undeath

For this quest, the objective is simple, but it may take you some time to accomplish. Bring Ogtinc an Ichor of Undeath, which can be looted from the corpses of most Undead throughout Azeroth.

The real issue is the drop rate, which varies from 5-10%. It may be a good idea to farm the Western & Eastern Plaguelands, which are brimming with Undead. However, if you are a bit underlevelled, you can find Undead as you leave Azshara to the west, as well as in Stranglethorn Vale. The Ichor of Undeath can also drop from Undead mobs in Stratholme, Dire Maul, and Scholomance, so you may want to kill two birds with one stone as you grind for this item by finish a dungeon run.

Once you've found this quest item, return to Ogtinc to receive one final quest:

  • Blood of Morphaz

This quest sends you deep into Sunken Temple with the goal of killing Morphaz and looting the Blood of Morphaz from him. Simply form a 5-man group and defeat this boss to pick up the final item in the chain.

Location of the Temple of Atal'Hakkar (Sunken Temple)

Finally, return to Ogtinc, who will offer you your pick of the following rewards:

  • Blessed Prayer Beads
  • Woestave
  • Circle of Hope

Without a doubt, the best choice here is Blessed Prayer Beads, as they remain viable even at a high level. The beads are great for dungeon runs as well, and you'll be doing plenty of them on your way to Level 60. Shadow Priests may be tempted by Woestave, as it does benefit from Shadow Weaving, but keep in mind that if you take this wand you willl be missing out on an immensely powerful trinket.

Sunken Temple — An Atal'Hakkar Dungeon Guide

The Temple of Atal'Hakkar, also known in WoW as the Sunken Temple, is a Dungeon in World of Warcraft Classic. Our guide will touch on every room in the dungeon, from the first room to the last, covering bosses, loot, quests, and how to enter the instance.


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