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Hearthstone Descent of Dragons: Best Rogue cards to craft

Hearthstone Descent of Dragons: Best Rogue cards to craft

You don't have all the cards in the game, but your various Arena sessions have helped you gather dust? Wondering which Rogue cards you should craft? We got you covered.

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The Descent of Dragon expansion has been released in Hearthstone, and we now have a good idea about the useful cards to craft. Here is our selection of Rogue cards that may be useful to you.

This is just the result of various collections of information, you don't have to do it to get a competitive deck. Read the descriptions of the cards before creating them, to see if they can match the decks you want to have.

Present in almost all Rogue decks, and especially in the very good Galakrond Rogue. Despite being a legendary card, Flik Skyshiv is essential in Rogue decks, for its extremely powerful effect. Being able to destroy a servant and all his copies allows you to counter many decks, like, for example, the Shirvallah Paladin.

While they may also be present in Galakrond Rogue, these two cards are much less represented and powerful. They can also be found in the Highlander Rogue.

Check our 75 decklists for Descent of Dragons!

The new Hearthstone extension, Descent of Dragons, is available since December 10. Here is our selection of decks made by professional players or streamers, to have fun once your boosters are open.

Romain Jouaneau
Romain "Asheryth" Jouaneau

Editor in Chief MGG France -
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.

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