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Harry Potter Wizards Unite: List of spells

Harry Potter Wizards Unite: List of spells

Discover all the spells you can cast in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, Niantic's latest mobile game for Android and iOS.

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Each Foundable in Harry Potter Wizards Unite must be captured or freed from its Confoundable by using a range of spells.

The threat level of the Confoundable will be indicated by a clock, made famous by the Fantastic Beasts movie.

The higher the threat level, the more difficult it will be to return the Foundable (object, creature, or character) to the Wizarding World.

Once captured, the Foundable is recorded in your Registry. Sometimes it is necessary to capture the same Foundable several times, in order to place its 'sticker' in the Registry.

When a Foundable is too strong, you can use Potions to help ease the burden.

Here is the list of spells already known. This list will be updated regularly as more spells are found.


The iconic spell is used in Wizards Unite to obtain a meal at Inns.

This spell allows you to pull an object towards you.

Sketch: simply slide your finger from left to right in an arc.


This is the spell Harry Potter uses when he wants to help Dumbledore quench his thirst after drinking poison.

This spell is used to extinguish fire and fill containers with drinking water.

Sketch: make a wavelet from left to right.


Used, for example, to free an animal from its chains.

A spell to unlock locks or release chains.

Sketch: starting from the top right, make an almost complete clockwise circle. Before returning to your starting point, trace down in a straight line.

Arresto Momentum

Dumbledore uses this spell to stop Harry's fall at the Quidditch Stadium in an iconic scene.

This spell stops or slows down the movement of the target.

Sketch: simply trace the letter 'M' with your finger.


Used on Professor Snape to free him from his jar.

Can generate an explosion.

Sketch: start from the top right, and trace the form of a triangle.


The first spell cast in the game, to free Hagrid from a spider's web.

This spell is used to cut anything (or anyone).

We often see Hermione and Harry use it in the saga, such as the moment he breaks the ice to retrieve Gryffindor's sword from the bottom of the lake.

Sketch: simply trace a zigzag with your finger from top left to bottom right.


A spell cast during the fight between a Kneazle and a fire-breathing chicken.

This evil spell makes it possible to trap the target in a water bubble.

Sketch: starting from the centre, trace right and then make a counter-clockwise circle to the bottom right.

Expecto Patronum

A spell used against Dementors.

By using your most positive feelings, you can launch your Patronus to defeat Dementors.

Sketch: Trace a whirl from the center to the left, counter-clockwise.


A spell used, for example, to save Madam Puddifoot from being transformed into a plant.

A spell that ends an incantation.

Sketch: starting from the bottom left corner, trace up to the top right, then down to the bottom right, and finally to the top left.


Mostly used when fighting werewolves and other enemies.

This knockback spell makes it possible to repel or destroy an enemy or object.

Sketch: from bottom-left to top-right, trace a loose zigzag upwards.


Mostly used to melt ice.

This spell of flames allows you to burn things.

Sketch: Start from the bottom left and trace up and down to the bottom right in a triangle. Then trace left, as if you were completing a whole triangle.

Meteolojinx Recanto

Essentially used against objects that move a lot, such as a Golden Snitch or broomsticks.

A spell that allows you to cancel the effects of weather on an object.

Sketch: starting from the bottom middle, you have trace a kind of boomerang shape to the left.


Ron throws this spell at a spider in his lesson, causing it to have roller-skates on its feet.

This spell is used to combat Boggarts, making them look ridiculous in order to make them disappear.

Sketch: trace a V-shape from top right to top left, then sweep down and round in an arc.

Two other spells exist in the game, too — and they are crucial to victory in Fortresses.

The Combat Bolt is a spell used to attack, and it performed by tracing an upwards lightning-bolt shaped figure.

The Protega spell is used to shield yourself from taking heavy damage when enemies are about to attack you. It is performed by simply swiping the screen in a straight line in the direction indicated.

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