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MGG / Games guides / Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs & Factions /

Maelstrom - Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs & Factions

Cyberpunk 2077: Gangs & Factions
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Maelstrom is a gang obsessed with cybertechnology, as their desire to make up for the weakness of human flesh is much stronger than their fear of cyberpsychosis.

Cyberpsychosis is a disease caused by too much body modification from which they cannot escape. They are generally found at the Totentanz Club or at the All Food Factory, in the industrial part of Watson. It is a fighting gang formed on the remains of the Metal Warriors after they have been almost wiped out by the Inquisitors who oppose any form of cyber software.

We also find in the ranks of the Maelstrom members of the Red Chrome Legion and the Ironsights.

Rather primitive and dangerous, the members of the Maelstrom dress in leather and chrome and have long forgotten the code of honor of the Metal Warriors. Even if the Inquisitors remain their favorite target, they attack everyone without hesitation. In their quest for new technologies and other drugs, they'll also gladly attack Corporations.

They tend to use painkillers, reflex boosters and optical units with unknown abilities.

With 30 to 40 active members, the Maelstrom gang is led by Simon Randall, a psychopath with a highly modified face, better known by the name of Royce , who resells stolen technologies. Distrustful, cold and calculating, he is difficult to define and even more to control.

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Hazziel Zen
Nyam Hazz


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