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Pokémon GO Teams

Pokémon GO Teams

Early in the game, you will have to choose a Team and defend its colors. Not sure which one to choose? We explain the differences in this guide!

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Pokémon GO Teams will be available once you have reached Trainer Level 5.

It is also at this time that you will be able to access Gym Battles, in order to start building your empire.

When you want to enter your first Gym, the game will ask you to choose between three teams.





Icon& color












Once you own a Gym, it will take the color of your team in order to show others who controls it.

Your goal, as a representative of your team, will be to extend the territory and influence of your color in the world through Pokémon fights.

It is therefore a kind of turf war (friendly of course) that will take place between these three colors.

Within a few weeks of the launch of the game, Team Mystic had established itself pretty clearly as the most chosen by players — if you choose Valor or Instinct, try to take them down in your area!

How do you choose your team in Pokémon GO?

The choice of your team is likely to be the most difficult choice of your Trainer career in Pokémon GO, perhaps even a choice as big as your starter in the original games.

Here are some tips to help you choose your team!

The specialties of the teams

Each of the teams has a specialty, a purely cosmetic option or a subtle modifier of your gaming experience. The teams are specialized as follows:

  • Team Instinct specializes in the hatching of Pokémon eggs.
  • Team Mystic specializes in the evolution of Pokémon.
  • Team Valor specializes in combat.

Talk with your friends

After all, this is one of the founding principles of the Pokémon license. And you wouldn't want to be alone facing all your friends. Ask them, and adapt your choice to theirs, or the other way around! Convince them to select the same team as you!

Look around!

It may be a good idea to pay attention for a few days at which teams dominate the Gyms around your home or workplace. This way, you will be able to make your choice not only according to the values conveyed by your team, but also according to their success!

Changing teams

It is also possible to change teams in Pokémon GO, thanks to the recent introduction of the Team Medallion — check out our article on the Shop for more info!

So, which team did you choose in Pokémon GO? Let us know in the comments!

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