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WoW Classic: Beast Mastery Hunter Guide

WoW Classic: Beast Mastery Hunter Guide

For the Patch 1.12 of WoW Classic, we propose to you to discover the complete guide of the Beast Mastery Hunter. Talents, Rotation, Statistics, Equipment and Trades are explained to you.

WoW Classic: Beast Mastery Hunter Guide
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The Beast Mastery Hunter in WoW Classic is the ultimate two-person team. With your trusty pet at your side, you'll be the masters of solo content, regardless of which beast you take along for the journey.

Tier B (PvE) Tier B (PvP)

The Beast Mastery Hunter is the king of solo content, the undisputed lord of farming and the number one lone ranger of the guild who don't need your help to be effective. Unfortunately for the BM Hunter, this solo superiority translates to being the weakest Hunter spec in PvP and PvE and it will usually be preferred to the other two specializations in raid content.

We have tried to provide you with at least one viable build for high level content, but be aware that this specialization is not recommended in PvE or PvP, it should only be used for leveling or farm solo.

Best leveling spec
Mail armour makes you harder to kill
Simple gameplay
Decent in PvP with traps etc
Great self-sustain and survivability
Weak in PvE compared to other Hunter specs
Weaker than Survival in PvP
Cost a lot to manage ammo
Very much the "middle child" of the Hunter specs


Leveling 32/19/0

The leveling Build is your go-to for leveling and farming: it enhances the survival of your pet and its damage whilst allowing you to do good damage using a few points in the Marksmanship tree. Normally, you should not have any problem leveling or farming with such a build. Not recommended for high-level PvE and PvP.

PvE 31/17/3

This is a very similar build to that of the above leveling build but is more suited to high-level content. Much of your pet's survival has been removed in favor of the damage done by you. The talent Monster Slayer Survival tree has also been added to maximize your effectiveness in the Molton Core and Blackwing Lair.

Stats to prioritize

Agility> Attack Power> Hit (9% Cap> Critical Strike> Stamina> Intelligence

Rotation and key abilities

The rotation of the Marksmanship/Beast Mastery Hunter is rather simple but requires to understand a little-known rotation: reloading the Auto Attack. Indeed, your objective is to launch a spell, followed by an Auto Attack, then another spell then Auto Attack. The Auto Fire CD varies according to the speed of your weapon: the faster it is, the shorter the cooldown. Most Hunters favour slower weapons because it allows them to inflict heavier damage and time their rotation better.

  • Auto Attack,
  • Aimed Shot,
  • AA,
  • Multi-Shot,
  • AA,
  • Aimed Shot,
  • AA
  • Rinse and repeat
Beastial Wrath

Beastial Wrath

Bestial Wrath is the art of making your pet mad with rage and causing it to do increased damage for 18 seconds. Very effective for burst, the becomes unstoppable until its death or the end of the effect.

Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire

Rapid Fire is one of your major offensive CDs. Simple and effective, it simply boosts your ranged attack speed.

Feign Death

Feign Death

Feign Death at first glance might seem like a pointless ability. But when you use it in PvP when you get low HP and make your opponent think you're dead, only to strike them with a well time ability, then you'll learn to love Feign Death. It also acts as an aggro reset in PvE

Note: Be careful though, it does not work all the time, do not get carried away pulling everything just relying on it to get you out of it.

Traps and Aspects

Traps and Aspects are among the greatest assets of the Hunter. Although traps cannot be used in combat, placing them at strategic locations gives you a serious advantage over your opponents. Regarding aspects, it is the Aspect of the Monkey that will be most often used by Survival because it allows the use of the Mongoose Bite more regularly.



The Hunter has the unique ability to tame pets with many different appearances and skills. However, we are only interested in the most powerful of them, but also the most difficult to obtain: King Bangalash.

This formidable white tiger can be found in Stranglethorn Vale, in the Eastern Kingdoms. It is elite so you will probably have to go there with allies in order to tame it, but it's worth it since it is currently the best available pet.

Note: According to our records, Lupos does not inflict Shadow damage on the current version of WoW Classic and is therefore not the best pet. Should this be changed, however, we will modify this guide accordingly as Lupos was the best pet until the exit of Ahn Qiraj as all his attacks ignored the armour of the target.

Best Race For Beast Mastery Hunter



The Orc is great in PvE as in PVP thanks to its racial Blood Fury. Finally, Hardness gives them a clear advantage over other races in PvP. When it comes to Beast Mastery, Orc is truly the way to go, however, with Command as a racial, it's a no brainer for Horde.


The Berserker is rather powerful for Beast Mastery, but what sets the Troll apart is BowSpecialization the only race to offer such a definite asset with the. Special mention racial Beast Slaying that is useful wleveling or farming.


Night Elf

In addition to Quickness giving them a slight gain in survival, SPEC benefits from being Night Elf especially thanks to its Shadowmeld in the shadow allowing you to pounce on your foes, a stealth pet is key for this to work.


The Dwarf's Stoneform is a serious asset in PvP, especially against Rogues. Frost Resistance is also great against your nemesis: the Frost Mage. For Dwarf, it's Gun Specialization that sets it apart from the other Alliance specs, whilst bows are certainly more common, you should find a solid Gun to fully utilise this racial.

WoW Classic: Race Tier List

World of Warcraft: Classic has a number of races to choose from, and making that choice has long-term consequences. You don't want to regret your choice later, so we've broken down the races in our tier list for WoW: Classic.



If you follow our advice for the choice of trades, Skinning is an excellent choice because if you choose Leatherworking you can be almost self-sufficient. And, even if you do not choose Leatherworking, it allows you to farm components for high-level craftable armour.


The Engineer is the best choice by default as it's great in both PvE and PvP. From Goblin Sapper Charge to the Arcanite Dragonling to the Dense Dynamite, everything about this role will always be useful!


The real interest of Leatherworking is in the craftingof high-level pre-raid armour, including the Devilsaur Armour set.

WoW Classic: 23 tips to make leveling easier

WoW Classic sounds the return of a long and demanding leveling process, requiring patience and rigour. To make your task a bit easier, we offer some tips for both Horde and the Alliance, whatever your class: addons, zones, PvP, instances and more.

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