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Resident Evil Village Walkthrough: The Finale

Resident Evil Village Walkthrough: The Finale

The culmination of our Resident Evil Village walkthrough concerns the finale, following the Heisenberg battle. Be mindful, this one contains spoilers!

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From now on, Resident Evil Village will constitute a narrative tunnel of about an hour.

As a little twist, you'll face this last part of the walkthrough in the shoes of Chris Redfield. Read on!

The BSAA and Megamycete

You now find yourself in the shoes of Chris Redfield, over-trained and over-armed. With the skills and military arsenal, we enter a phase of pure action. The objective? Destroy everything.

Continue on the snowy path and eliminate the enemies. Ammo can be found at a supply point indicated by green smoke. Apart from these crates, don't waste time digging through, just let yourself be carried by the scenario.

Enemies no longer drop loot. You will also have night vision goggles, which are handy for seeing now that night has fallen. Keep going, killing enemies along the way. Use the laser targeting system at the Village square on the Megamycete.

During reloading you will be attacked by waves of enemies. Prepare for some fairly long fights. The first wave is composed of normal Lycans, while the second contains an archer.

Fire the laser a second time after the third wave is dealt with. During the fourth wave, an army of armored Lycans will attack you, so don't forget to keep some grenades for them.

The fifth wave will contain a lot of archers. Aim one last time with the laser; after three shots the turret will be destroyed and you can continue on your way. Remember to go to the green smoke to refuel.

Continue towards the fault indicated by a green light, then enter the cave. Urias will make his comeback, this time armored and more deadly.

Aim for the tentacle parasite on his back. When he crouches, be prepared for him to pounce on you -- dodge this. He also has a fairly powerful combo. Aim the laser at him when instructed. You may have to do this several times to bring him down, depending on the difficulty of the game you choose.

Once dealt with, follow the dark corridor to the Megamycete Chamber. Finally, return to the Ceremony Site by passing through Miranda's Lab -- you can search it for a bit of lore on the creation of the village's abominations.

Head to the cell at the back of the room and break the padlock to trigger a cutscene.

The final boss, Miranda, stands between you and the end of the game.

Bastien Dubosq-Luyer

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