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Monster Hunter Rise: Where to find Firestone

Monster Hunter Rise: Where to find Firestone

Firestone can be tricky to find in Monster Hunter Rise when on the hunt for rare items. Here's our guide on where to farm it.

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As you progress through Monster Hunter Rise, it becomes important to forge a new set of armor. You shouldn't hesitate to go around every region in each difficulty mode to stock up on materials. Since the game has greatly improved the pace of harvesting, the task is faster and easier than ever.

Monster Hunter Rise: Where to find Firestone

Where can I find Firestone?

Head to the Lava Caverns area in Novice or Expert mode. Firestone can be mined from both types of veins with a better chance of loot from rare veins in Novice Mode. Here is the position of the different veins in the area, on the surface, and especially in the caves. You can also find seams underground.

To optimize your harvesting, please note that Dango Harvester allows you to make rare lode appearance points reappear faster, while the Geologist 3 skill, available on some of the game's low-ranked sets and talismans, will allow you to improve the yield of mined lodes.

Monster Hunter Rise: Where to find Firestone
Monster Hunter Rise: Where to find Firestone

What is Firestone used for?

Just like the other ores, Firestone is used to forging and improving your weapons and armor near the end of the Novice difficulty, and at the beginning of the Expert Mode. It is a must have to create endgame weapons at the forge.

Monster Hunter Rise: Where to find Firestone

Here are some examples of weapons and armors using Firestone.

Original content by Robin "Raiden Robin" Bouquet

Amélie Marot

Freelancer, translator and novel writer. Full-time FFXIV player since 2013, loves fluff and Japanese animation.

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