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Fortnite Season 7 Challenge: How to interact with Bunker Jonesy's conspiracy board

Fortnite Season 7 Challenge: How to interact with Bunker Jonesy's conspiracy board

Interacting with Bunker Jonesy's conspiracy board is a challenge in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7. This challenge concerns the list of missions for week 1 and allows you to gain XP for your Battle Pass.

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This quest is one of the challenges of Week 1 of Season 7 of Fortnite. You will need to interact with the conspiracy board that Jonesy erected from the Bunker. You will find this somewhat atypical character in the mountains bordering the coast, in the extreme south of the island. You will have to enter his home to see it: an accumulation of theories and leads to try to explain why IO reappears at the same time as the aliens.

Where to Find the Conspiracy Board

The conspiracy board can be found in the main room of the chalet, right next to the front door. You will easily spot it since it is illuminated by a lamp. To interact with the object, you will need to activate a short channel. The challenge will be validated directly after.

The only real difficulty in this challenge comes, once again, from the potential presence of rival players. Several options are available to you, and you can decide to rush to the board first as soon as you get off the bus, or on the contrary to go there later in the game. The object is indestructible, so don't be afraid to go there even if the game is well under way. Just watch out for the storm, because this Jonesy's cabin is way out of the way.

To continue playing your game, do not hesitate to use the zip lines, which will allow you to return to the center of the map.

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.

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