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MGG / Games guides / Monster Hunter Rise: Defend Kamura's Gates During The Rampage /

Boss and Apex Monsters - Monster Hunter Rise: Defend Kamura's Gates During The Rampage

Monster Hunter Rise: Defend Kamura's Gates During The Rampage
Boss and Apex Monsters
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Boss and Apex Monsters

There are two types of Rampages: the easy ones that have only two hordes and just have a big monster, but without special powers, as the final boss, like the Tigerx, or the Rajang. And there are the difficult Rampages that have three hordes, with an Apex monster or the Ibushi as the final boss. It is this second category that we are going to talk about here, as the first one does not require any special strategy or effort to be defeated.

Calamity with Upper Arzuros

You're really going to want to keep the fight on the first map going as long as possible against the higher monsters so that the final gate has all its life when it arrives.

When it arrives, all the walls in the middle of the area are automatically destroyed, with the turrets on top. So the boss is going to be able to run straight to the gate of the area. If you are still on the first map, you should hurry up and activate the available superweapons, and then move to the second map quickly.

On the second map, set up all the automatic defenders and the best turrets at your disposal. This is also the time to summon all available Kamura defenders.

Amélie Marot

Freelancer, translator and novel writer. Full-time FFXIV player since 2013, loves fluff and Japanese animation.

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