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Monster Hunter Rise: Dancing Parasol, Snowy Breeze Event Quest

Monster Hunter Rise: Dancing Parasol, Snowy Breeze Event Quest

Defeat an Aknosom in the new Monster Hunter Rise event quest to obtain the Cohoot Sticker Set.

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A new event quest was added to Monster Hunter Rise on June 4. This Rank 4 quest, "Dancing Parasol, Snowy Breeze", consists of hunting an Aknosom to obtain a Cohoot Sticker Set.

Monster Hunter Rise: Dancing Parasol, Snowy Breeze Event Quest


To get the quest, you need to talk to Senri the Mailman, by selecting the Add-on Content. Make sure you have installed the 3.0 update before trying to download it.

The quest takes place in the Frost Islands and lasts about 50 minutes. It will require you to hunt Aknosom.

  • The Aknosom likes to stand on one leg to prepare its attacks. If you play melee, it will make big, spinning wing strikes. It is best to avoid attacking from the front, or quickly getting out of the way after a few hits. The Aknosom has a special blast: it shoots dozens of small fireballs into the area. The best thing to do is to simply try to get out of the affected cone. However, its breath has a particularity: the fireballs stay on the ground for a while. If you touch them, you will suffer damage and be affected by the fireblight affliction. In this case, roll on the ground to extinguish yourself. You can potentially use an Ashtray to lure the Aknosom into a watery area, which will eliminate the fireballs and allow you to extinguish yourself instantly, but this isn't an entirely reliable tact as it moves quickly to other areas

Tending to stand on one leg, this monster somewhat resembles an umbrella. The Aknosom is highly territorial; it will spread out its wings and show off its characteristic comb to scare off threats. It also bears flammable venom that burns fiercely and lingers on the ground when lit. Draw the beast to water for an easier fight.


By completing this quest for the first time, you will obtain the Cohoot Sticker Set. Also, the reward money is 5760 oz.

Amélie Marot

Freelancer, translator and novel writer. Full-time FFXIV player since 2013, loves fluff and Japanese animation.

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