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Where to find Alien Artifacts in Week 8 of Fortnite

Where to find Alien Artifacts in Week 8 of Fortnite

Alien artifacts allow you to obtain additional styles for the Kymera skin, which is unlocked as soon as you purchase the Battle Pass. Here's where you can find the alien artifacts in Season 7 Week 8.

Where to find Alien Artifacts in Week 8 of Fortnite
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As with recent seasons, a customisable skin is a core feature of the Chapter 2 Season 7 Battle Pass in Fortnite.

This week, you'll have to be careful and take a good look under bridges or metal walkways. Two of the three capsules are hidden from view under buildings.

For others, it's the other way around. The capsules located at Hydro 16 and the north of Corny Complex are found floating several meters above ground. You have no choice -- you'll have to test your building skills to collect them.

Where to Find the Artifacts

Having a vehicle will always be handy for collecting multiple artifacts during a single match.

Remember that the artifacts only need contact to be acquired - there's no need for specific interaction.

Once these resources are in your pocket, all you have to do is go to the Battle Pass tab of the Main Menu, then click "Customize Kymera". A wide range of customizations is available to you, but choose sparingly!

Romain Becquelin

The heart is the strongest muscle.

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