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Where to find Ironwood for Ironwood Planks in New World

Where to find Ironwood for Ironwood Planks in New World

Ironwood is a high-tier resource you'll need to level your Woodworking Trade Skill in New World, and the tree it's sourced from is found all over Aeternum. Here are the best places to look.

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Ironwood is a tree found in the wilds of New World which players can farm and turn into Ironwood Planks.

A heaving dark-colored tree, it is found in high-level areas infrequently. However, there are a few notable clusters.

Here's what you'll need and where the best areas are to find Ironwood in New World.

What do you need Ironwood & Ironwood Planks for in New World?

A Tier V wood used in Woodworking, logging Ironwood will give you timber that is used used to create Ironwood Planks. This is then used in a number of Arcana, Weaponsmithing, Engineering and Furnishing recipes.

In order to log the Ironwood tree, you'll need a Logging Axe. There's a level cap of 175 you have to reach in Logging, and you'll be able to track Ironwood nodes from Logging Skill Lv. 175.

New World: Woodworking Guide

A refiining skill that will provide you with Wood and other key resources for crafting, here's all you need to know about Woodworking in Amazon's New World.

The best locations to farm Ironwood Trees in New World

There's a few notable clusters for those who have leveled up sufficiently to survive.

A Lagoon vacation

There's a bunch of nodes surrounding the Skysong Lagoon location in Ebonscale Reach.

Fast travel into the Traveler's Precipice shrine, and collect the nodes surrounding it. Then, circle clockwise around the lagoon, logging the few nodes here and there.

There's some on the northwestern shore, then a few more under the mountain ridge at Skysong Crypt.

Ironwood Locations in Ebonscale Reach.

Stained Bluffs? Stained with TREES!

This is probably the best area to farm Ironwood. Fast travel into the Blighted Shrine in southern Edengrove, then just head west collecting trees as you go.

There's plenty of nodes between the shrine and Crescent Window, all of which you should be able to track with your compass.

Ironwood Locations in Edengrove.

A grotto in Reekwater, just for you

There's two main clusters in Reekwater. The easiest thing to do is fast travel into the Siren's Run shrine, and take the cluster just south between the shrine and Hingatirn.

Then, double back north and head for the Virid Grotto. The cluster surrounds the entrance to the grotto, just north of the Broken Dreams area.

Ironwood Locations in Reekwater.

In Southeastern Shattered Mountains

There are two seperate clusters in the south of Shattered Mountains. The first is west of the Mountainrise Outpost, bordered by Iratus to the west, Pullus to the north, and the Spilaio Cavern to the south.

The second is northeast of the Mountainrise Outpost, and takes in all of the Blighted Wilds valley, bordering the Fallen Front to the north and Preservation Pass to the east.

Ironwood Locations in Shattered Mountains.

First Light & Windsward for the low-level loggers

There's two small clusters quite close to each other that can be accessed by players at low levels.

Fast travel into the Las Torres Lookout, in northern First Light, then continue northwest along the waterfront. Just before you get to Clearwater Bend you'll come across the first cluster.

Then, continue directly north until you hit Valley View Mirador in the Perilbrook area of Windsward. Northeast of there, across the river, is the second cluster.

Ironwood Locations in First Light & Windsward.

Know any other good Ironwood locations? Let us know in the comments section below!

Map images courtesy of MapGenie.

David Duffy
David W. Duffy

Editor in Chief, MGG EN | Repatriated Geordie, former teacher, grammarian. Editor of many things for a decade and a half, most of which you've probably never heard of.

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