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Pokemon GO: Capture all the forms of Spinda

Pokemon GO: Capture all the forms of Spinda

Spinda is now available on Pokémon GO, but did you know it comes in EIGHT different forms? We take a look at the cutest of bear Pokémon!

Pokemon GO: Capture all the forms of Spinda
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Spinda is available in Pokemon GO thanks to a Field Research reward.

The curious thing about Spinda is that there are several different forms available, corresponding to its pattern.

This is in line with its official Pokedex entry, and it's nice to see they've translated that into Pokémon GO!


Normal-type Pokémon

All the Spinda that exist in the world are said to have utterly unique spot patterns. The shaky, tottering steps of this Pokémon give it the appearance of dancing.

Here are the nine different patterns you can find:

Millenium Rédaction
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