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How to unlock the Moshiri Kara domain in Genshin Impact?

How to unlock the Moshiri Kara domain in Genshin Impact?

Having trouble accessing the Moshiri Kara Domain in Genshin Impact? Here's how to find it and how to unlock the three Electro Pillars.

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Available since version 2.2 of Genshin Impact, the Moshiri Kara Dungeon is not very complicated to unlock but it is located very far from the other islands of Inazuma. You will have to take the boat to get there.

Where to find the Moshiri Kara Dungeon?

To find it, you'll need to teleport to Shirikoro Peak and summon your ship below. Once inside your ship, go straight to the Temple symbol on your map as below:

A thick fog will prevent you from seeing well and the path is quite long but, once at the end, you will discover new mini islands with some monsters to face and some chests to collect. At the moment the temple is buried in the ground and you will need to activate the Electro pillars on the island to get him out. The problem? The pillars are locked.

How to unlock the dungeon with the Electro pillars?

On the central island (where the Temple is located), you will see portals allowing you to quickly take you to the other small islands around. By taking each portal, you will then have to complete a Challenge in order to free one of the Electro pillars.

  1. The challenge to the east (activate the red pillar to start the challenge) will ask you to shoot 6 explosive barrels. Take any archer, stay on solid ground and aim far away.
  2. The challenge to the west will ask you to collect the electro particles in the allotted time (luxurious chest at the key)
  3. The challenge to the north will ask you to eliminate the two Brutoelectrics.

    Return to the central island and activate the three Electro pillars: this will raise the temple from the ground. You will also get a Luxurious Chest. Remember to activate the temple to unlock a new teleportation point.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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