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Specter Genshin Impact: Where to find them and why beat them?

Specter Genshin Impact: Where to find them and why beat them?

Genshin Impact is full of creatures of all kinds that you will have to beat to collect resources or just to fulfill your various quest objectives. Among the long list of monsters, there are Specters, which we will come back to in this guide.

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Since Genshin Impact update 2.1, monsters called Specters have been roaming around in certain areas of the world of Teyvat. These strange creatures can pose a few problems, but more importantly, you will have to fight for some of your heroes. Let's find out all about it in detail in this guide.

The different Specters available in Genshin Impact

If you are unfamiliar with these creatures, don't worry, this guide will help you with that. First of all, we are going to see the types of Specter that are present in the game. At the moment there are 6 of them, but we can expect to see a seventh that will arrive later. These monsters arrived little by little and each of them is linked to a specific element. Check them out below.

Hydro Specters

Available since version 2.1.

Geo Specters

Available since version 2.1.

Anemo Specters

Available since version 2.1.

Cryo Specters

Available since version 2.4.

Electro Specters

Available since version 2.4.

Pyro Specters

Available since version 2.4.

Also note that Specters do not activate talents and passives that are tied to killing an enemy . Also, on Watatsumi Island, they are considered pets and not aggressive monsters. Remember that they are immune to their element just like Blobs.

Where to find Specters in Genshin Impact?

If you're here, you might be looking for Ghosts to battle. To do this, you will need to go to the Inazuma region or the Enkanomiya zone . You should be able to find almost a hundred of them easily if you browse the islands of Watatsumi, Seirai and Tsurumi. If you ever don't know where they are, here are some pictures that show you their locations.


What do Specters give in Genshin Impact?

Specters will be used to raise some of your characters since they are the ones who can give you spectral shells as well as its derivatives. Apart from that, you will get moras and experience as with every classic monster you face.

Spectral Husk


Astrions Shop

Spectral Heart

Specters (level 40 or higher),

Astrions Shop,


Spectral Nucleus

Specters (level 60 or higher),

Asteria shop,



Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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