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Genshin Impact: build Amber weapons and artifact sets

Genshin Impact: build Amber weapons and artifact sets

If you're looking to power-up your Amber here is our complete guide from artifacts to weapons.

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This is the second character you will discover in your adventure after the Traveler. Amber is the Pyro archer. It has the lowest attack in the game but it is nonetheless useful in the early game . Its Pyro element will help you with puzzles and exploration, and one of its passives will reduce the stamina cost of gliding for your entire team.

Recommended weapons

Skyward Harp

5 Star Bow

Base ATK 48

Obtaining Wishes

Increases critical damage by 20%. Hitting an enemy has a 60% chance to inflict physical damage equal to 125% of attack in a restricted area. This effect can be triggered once every 4 seconds.

The Stringless

4 Star Bow

Increases damage dealt by elemental skills and elemental bursts by 24/30/36/42/48%


Vagrant Band

2 pieces equipped : Elemental Mastery +80

4 pieces equipped : Increases charged attack damage by 35% if the character uses a Catalyst or Bow.

Noblesse Oblige

2 pieces equipped : Increases damage taken from Elemental Furies by 20%.

4 pieces equipped : Increases the attack of all characters on the team by 20% for 12s after an elemental rampage. This effect does not stack.

The second constellation point of Amber will allow you to engage in combat in a spectacular way, while remaining at a distance . In addition, your opponents will be intrigued by this little rabbit and will all jump on him. It's a big plus knowing that this Pyro Archer doesn't hurt very much with her basic attacks.

To play alongside:


Amber pairs well with your base character, also known as Traveler. After setting your opponents on fire with your Pyro spells, play as the hero Anemo to expand the flaming area while increasing the damage dealt to your enemies.


Chongyun works pretty well with Amber. The idea here will be to use Chongyun's kit to combo with Amber and cause a Melting effect on enemies. So apply Cryo and then Pyro effects.

Julien bxakid

Freelancer writer bringing news, waifus, and loads of coffee!

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